John Paul II in Scarborough is a long-time supporter of D&P. They faithfully carry out our campaigns every year and help with the planning of our annual student days. Last Tuesday I was with them as they hosted their local MP John McKay.
Students sent him postcards in support of the D&P campaign to establish a legal mechanism to hold Mining Companies accountable for Human rights and Environmental abuses. In response, the Hon. Mr. McKay came to share with them the story of
Bill C-300, which is his responsible mining bill. D&P has thrown its nationwide support behind this piece of legislation that would deny abusive companies access to the tax-payers wallet. The event was covered by the Scarborough Mirror.
Bill C-300 goes to its 3rd reading vote on October 27th. If you haven't yet,
look up your MP and give them a call - we need all the votes we can get!
Now I often meet with silence after issuing questions following my presentations (I'm sorry to admit) The students of JPII though still had their hands raised after asking Mr. McKay about 20 questions. It is really wonderful to see students and teachers of a school community so engaged. I left feeling inspired to re-double my own animation work to build support for
Bill C-300. JPII I'm proud of you!
Keep up your good work!
- Raphael
Nice blog Luke - I posted one to the D&P Twitter page
Nice blog Luke - I have posted one entry to the D&P Twitter Page
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